Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Knowing what you want...


Amanda and i got off work today and decided to be a little off the hook! We started by walking down the street in Beverly Hills, mostly because we felt like fat pigs after eating "Sprinkles" cupcakes and pizza all day long. We had high ambitions of getting on our tennies and playing tennis, but that soon turned into having a cold beer, sprawled out on the cool grass, and having a heart to heart. Amanda and i really became intimate friends today i think. We understand each other, and we were really real with our lives. It was really hard for me to break through her wall that she immediatley throws up at you. I don't really know what you're looking for in these daily blogs...and i guess i don't really care. What i want you to get from this is the "Real Deal". The things that are actually going on, the thoughts that are actually going through our heads, and finally, what WE are making of the opportunity. I think that will preach louder than any BS i'd throw your way. The truth is, this city is really intimidating. Its easy to be hot shit when you live in Saint Paul...there's no one to stop you! But when you get out here, there is so much competition, and you have to be able to step up your game and be ready to answer for every action you take place in. I guess what i'm trying to communicate is that its not all fun and games...its hard work! The golden ticket won't just be handed to you, so you're gonna have to go out and buy every wonka bar until you find it! Watch out!!!

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