Friday, June 22, 2007

Menage A Trois...

So some exciting news was relayed to me yesterday! I got a job when i'm done with my internship! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I will be working as an assistant to the CEO of Modern Artist Management! WAHOO! I'll learn so much and be exposed to such amazing opportunities!

Today was good! I really can't complain. I sat around all morning watching TV and drinking coffee, went to Lunch with a friend, and then went to work. Nothing special...but moreso the day had a sense of anticipation. Anticipation for many things. Where my sense of security/stability will come from, where i'll be in a month/year/decade/minute, what to think when i walk out the door, and what things i will be exposed to here in crazy world....a world of possibilites though :~)

I am however, starting to realize something about Los Angeles. 1) People will tell you anything(aka...lie to your frikin face)to get what they want out of you, 2) They are the most ingenuine group of humans on the face of the earth, and 3) They do not regret a Day of their lives. Why do i bring this up? Well, as my favorite white wine is so perfectly named, "Menage a trois"(meaning, the blend of three, or "threesome") you need to have a balance of all of these things to survive here. 1) The ability to fabricate of story, 2) The ability to fake sincerity, & 3) The ability to shake off every ounce of inhibition and live without regret!

The perfect example of this would be tonight...

I was standing there, minding my own business at Mirabelle(the current place of my employment ;~) when...a gentleman walks up to me....and starts "talking". The LIES... He was trying to get me to believe this bogus story of how he was a "make it from scratch" suit dealer in London, who supposedly sells his suits for over 10,000 dollars. This is really hard to believe from a guy who is wearing the worst pair of trousers i've ever seen...not to mention he was walking all over his English Accent. He butchered it beyond belief! I wouldn't believe that man had ever stepped foot out of Los Angeles if he paid me!

Anywayz, then he does something that i never thought he could. He marched up to the most beautiful woman in the bar(you know the one...the one who is so beautiful that when you look at her swoosh her hair about and laugh and blink, her whole image has a haze over it and time slows down) and asks if he can buy her dinner. Now if you can imagine my surprise when he walks up to me, beautful girl on his arm, and ask for a table for two! What in the world? DID I MENTION THIS MAN WAS MOVING IN ON BEING 60 YEARS OLD? It was outrageous! Anywayz, this man completely wowed this girl, buying her the most expensive bottle of wine on our menu ($800.00), ordering filet mignon, and finishing off a chocolate souffle. Talk about a "sincere" way to get under a skirt! What i'm saying is...this man knew what he want and got it! He fabricated a story...had no sense of regret and walked up to this woman, and ended up taking her home because of his "sincerity".

What i'm trying to to portray is what i'm up against. These guys are some well trained cats! I'm definitely gonna have to step up my game!

1 comment:

dsf552 said...

i found your blog on the McNallySmith website. I am planning on going there next fall to Major in Music Business. I'm gonna take all the Gen. Ed. courses this year here in KY. Just wanted to see what you thought about McNallySmith. Did you do the 2 year or 4 year program? I was going to go to Belmont University in Nashville this year, but 4 years is a long time when I could be working in the Business in 2 years. You can e-mail me at:
